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Sign Up More Clients with 
Attorney Direct Mail

Direct Marketing utilizes Internet searches, medical/hospital liens, civil debt case filings, and many various public records to provide mailing lists or direct mail services nationwide.

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Personal Injury, Criminal Defense, Civil, and Traffic/Municipal

Direct Marketing utilizes Internet searches, medical/hospital liens, civil debt case filings, and many various public records to provide mailing lists or direct mail services nationwide. We process data daily, allowing you to target only those who were recently injured, arrested, received a traffic violation, or appeared in court records created during the previous day or weekend. We will put your mailer "first in the box."

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  • Are you an attorney in need of personal injury, civil, criminal, or traffic violation cases?

  • Do you have a list of names but no addresses?

  • Are you an insurance company looking for new clients?

  • Are you a driving school searching for clients?

Let us be your advertising company! Not one penny of your advertising budget will be spent targeting a person that doesn't have the potential need for your services. We provide personalized, highly targeted direct mail advertising using Internet searches and public records as data sources with self-service or full-service options. We offer a complete mail facility, which means we can do all the work for you, or we can provide you the data to handle your own mailers.

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